Colored contacts prosthetic and special effects

Publié le par daianna

Colored contacts are provided in two types based on different functions: prosthetic colored contacts and special effects colored lenses. Prosthetic colored contacts are designed to meet organic needs of disabled people. Special effects colored lenses just provide special vision effects for people’s unusual needs. In this article, both of these two colored contacts will be discussed.

Prosthetic colored contacts are created to hide an eye defect or just to hide an eye injury, since they may severely affect people’s image. In more severe conditions, prosthetic colored lenses are used to replace an eye or eyes that have been completely damaged. These lenses are manufactured to look so close to normal eyes that other people rarely notice them. Prosthetic colored lenses are so useful for eye disabled people. Mostly, prosthetic colored contacts are hand painted and made from the highest grade materials so that they can be most comfortable. Prosthetic colored lenses are usually custom-made and used by the one person, so that their price are extremely high, sometimes cost up to several thousand dollars.

The other type is special effects colored contacts. These kind of colored lenses have been around in the motion picture industry for over 30 years. Of courses, they are available to the public now. Special effects contact lenses are offered in a wide array online. These special effects include bloody or hemorrhaged eyes, aged eyes, blind effects and mirrored eyes. It is wise to see your doctor before you buy special effects colored contacts since they may be manufactured with vision correction. Special effects colored contacts are also not cheap compared to normal contacts.

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